Use a series of tool paths like engraving, drill, pocketing, peel mill, contour, etc. to design the way your part will be cut during the manufacturing process.
The most recent analysis of CAM software seats produced by CIMdata, Inc. shows that CNC Software’s Mastercam® is the world’s most widely-used CAM software. With more than 150,000 installed seats, Mastercam has more than twice the installed base of the closest competitor.
Mastercam is supported by a worldwide network of dedicated, expert resellers who focus exclusively on ensuring that Mastercam fits your needs. They know the software, know your area, and are there when you need them.
Mastercam also enjoys a large online user community that offers advice, help, tips and tricks to fellow Mastercam programmers.
Maintenance releases require that you have a current maintenance subscription through the date of the maintenance release. If your maintenance contract has expired prior to the date of the release, then you will not be able to run that Maintenance release. You can check your maintenance contract date by running HaspX.exe (or NhaspX.exe for network users) which is located in the root directory of Mastercam.